
Monday, June 20, 2005

Python: Simple Socket Test

I have found that there is not a lot of documentation out there that shows you a simple way to instantiate a socket connection. Here is a simple code snippet, that shows you how to make a connection using the socket module. This would be useful for checking whether a host is listening on a particular port. This is not a full sockets implementation(no send, or recieve), but simply tests if a TCP socket is open.

import socket

#Simply change the host and port values
host = ''
port = '80'

s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect((host, port))
print "Success connecting to "
print host + " on port: " + str(port)
print "Cannot connect to "
print host + " on port: " + str(port)

FYI- You can test for a UDP port by changing "socket.SOCK_STREAM" to "socket.SOCK_DGRAM" .

Check out the documentation for the socket module here

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